Pre-conference workshop will be organised on Monday, March 21st at Nestlé Research Center. The preferred format will be a 3h session with a 30 minutes coffee break. Two time slots will be proposed depending on the workshops: either in the morning from 9:30 to 13:00, or in the afternoon from 14:15 to 17:45. The proposed workshops will given in English as soon as there is a minimum of 8 participants. Seven workshops have been proposed with the following topics:
- Text Mining and the Web: Practical Methods and Approaches to the Analysis of Unstructured Data. (pm)
- Check-All-That-Apply (CATA): latest developments, use and analysis (am)
- Cluster analysis of variables: CLV method (am)
- Linear mixed effects modeling for multifactorial sensory and consumer data using the R-packages LME4, LMERTEST and SENSMIXED (am)
- Multi-level modelling of bacterail dynamics using the R software (pm)
- Statistical analysis of sensory profiling data revisited with the concept of scaling (pm)
- Analysing non-normal data and statistical modelling with Minitab. Practical example at Nespresso (pm)
When registering to the workshops, an e-mail will be sent to you for asking your preferred workshop(s).